market your business

Make A Difference

The typical business owner, manager, or entrepreneur spends a considerable amount of their day handling crisis and putting out fires rather than running, managing and growing their business. As a result, at the end of the day they find they’ve made very little, if any progress toward achieving their goals.


And, at the end of several years, they find they’re no further ahead than they were years ago. In fact, in many cases, they’re farther behind, because while their expenses and the cost of doing business continued to rise, their businesses failed to grow at a proportionate rate.


If this sounds like you, and you’re frustrated because of it, don’t give up. There’s a reason for it… and thankfully, a solution. And, the good news is, the solution isn’t all that difficult.


The main reason so many business people find themselves in this predicament is very clear to those who understand the simple principle behind it. Unfortunately, most people don’t realise, have never been taught, or fail to grasp this one basic and fundamental concept:


Most people in business spend too much time working in their Business, and not on their business


In other words, they’re working so hard trying to keep the ship afloat, that they don’t have enough time (and sometimes energy) to do what it takes to move the ship towards its intended destination.


And, it’s not always the business owner’s fault. Sometimes, the business they find themselves in has just grown so fast that they haven’t had time to keep up with it.


In other cases, the business might be slow to develop because of insufficient cash flow, inadequate resources, stiff competition, poor location, or an apathetic buying market, and it’s all the business owner can do to keep the doors open by running it him or herself. They just can’t afford to hire anyone else to help them.


How you prioritise and choose the activities you get involved with on a daily basis, as well as how much time, effort and attention you devote to those activities has a tremendous amount to do with determining the impact you have on the growth and direction of your business.


The reality is that when you work in your business, you’re doing the activities that, at best, produce only average results for you.


On the other hand, when you work on your business, you’re doing the 20% of activities that have the potential to produce an incredible 80% or more of your results.


Contact us for a free consultation and start to make a difference in your business!

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